10 thoughts on “Remediation

  1. Hello Joel. Great post! I was laughing at all the sounds of the birds and rescue animals in the background. I can definitely see this is an important topic for you. I think it’s an excellent idea turn the topic into a children’s book. Teaching kids about protecting animals can influence their decisions for the rest of their lives. Ultimately, it can make a difference. Kudos to you for your dedication!


  2. Joel, you lovely thing you!
    I have so enjoyed working with you this semester. I like that you chose to make a kids book as this is the way to a better future. I hope you and your wife end up brightening the future with some wee ones of your own. It was wonderful to have met you, Keep brightening the universe friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Helllllloooooo Joooooeeeeelllll, this is Cody!
    First off, loved the background noise. Sounds like you have a zoo, i can see that being soothing…. sometimes? Anyway, I love that you to your subject and turned it into a child’s book. I think adoption as a child’s book would sell and i would be first in line because i have the same love for pets.
    Have a great one Joel and keep rocking.
    P.S. Bring the stash Back!


  4. I think it’s wonderful that you have so many rescue animals. I think I mentioned before that all my pets are rescues also. I truly believe in only getting pets from shelters and I also am against euthanasia. I like the idea of a children’s book to implant the idea of saving animals.


  5. I really wanted to see your video joel, but due to some laptop complications I couldn’t . Although, I bet it came out great since the comments here say they do and I trust our classmates. Anyways, really nice knowing you and I hope you do great in the rest of your education and keep saving animals!


  6. I love that you targeted children for the remediation. If we can teach kiddies to nurture animals and take care of them, the world will be a better place! Love it! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  7. Hi Joel. I was trying to focus at your voice but I just could not resist to hear more of your rescue animals. I think your choice of medium turned your CPR into something more meaningful!


  8. Hey Joel,
    I enjoyed working with you on this project and all the input you put in on the West Virginia shelters. Also your parrots in the background and cats are hilarious. Your take on a new genre was a great choice even if you aren’t a children’s author and much more uplifting than our paper. I adopted my first rescue at a young age and could see a book inspiring young kids to do just the same. Have a great summer


  9. Absolutely love how passionate you are about animals and how many you have rescued! I too am a strong believer that children our the future and its important to guide them to do good in life like adopt and protect animals. good on ya mate have a great summer!


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